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Re: Fedora and New projects

--- Muhammad Alkarouri <malkarouri at yahoo dot co dot uk> wrote:
[snip of various good comments]
> > I realize there is history with all of this.  With regard to d-i it was
> > to get Bidi included (which didn't happen) and so we thought we'd pressure
> > them if we have 100% translations completed (bad idea and it didn't work)
> Please tell us what happened. I assumed that d-i uses ncurses or
> newt, something like that, and we weren't able to provide a BiDi enabled
> package, not that we have something ready but they don't want to include
> that.

To be completely honest I'm not 100% sure.  I know Anmar (the missing dude :-)
contacted debian about their installer and I think words were exchanged that
amounted to "you give us the translations and we'll include Bidi and Arabic
support" or so I understood it (or again maybe that's what we thought, not
sure there).  I know from IRC that Mr. Ayman Negm (ie. 'Xsnack' on IRC) is
working on this very subject and I'm not sure of his status - this would be
a good thread to start on 'developer' (feel free to kick start it :-)

So that's all I know about the d-i topic.


 - Nadim

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