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Re: Questions about xchat (LOADS...)

--- Arafat Medini <lumina at silverpen dot de> wrote:
> Well I wass leepy indeed ;)

.. go have some (s)leep then ;-)

> well not every one but why am I the maintainer of the gnome project if
> everyone everytime makes his own things?...

I really didn't know XChat.po and Gaim.po were part of gnome anyway.

> I have to keep track of what's happening, for eg. Ibrahim also wanted to
> work on this file too, Abdualaziz, and me too!!! So as you can see
> saying nothing about this is indeed dangerous!

You still insist that I said nothing? :|

> it's the general list you posted at not the doc list, I rarely check the
> general list, and any translation "project" has to go through the doc
> list. That's why the list is for...

It's not my fault that you don't check that list. Anyway, I'll be more carefull
next time, no problem.

> I am not questioning your way of working Ossama, I have high respect for
> you, BUT for gnome related things it's good to ask me, to prevent
> duplicated work.

Thanks, and so do I. It's all a mistake anyway, won't happen again ISA.

Ossama Khayat

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