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[QAC] Re: common terms po

--- Arafat Medini <lumina at silverpen dot de> wrote:
> Salam again,
> So where are your uploads?
> I am for sure busy but this doesn't meen that we
> forget about that file.
> (I did my 60 words long ago btw)

Arafat, I think I have a way we can get 60 words per
week from each person but also enable those who want
to translate more the chance to do so (Youcef asked
for this). Also I think I have found a system of
voting that will let us decide which words to settle

This is going to be long :-)

Here are my suggestions:

1. Arafat splits the file into 100+ or so files of 60
words each. This way we can all work on this project
conurrently without interfering with each other's

2. Every Monday, Arafat assigns one of the files to
each QAC member who will participate in the
translation, while keeping a table somewhere of who is
working on what. That member MUST finish that file
within the week, but if he finishes it before, he can
ask Arafat for another (he may even ask for 10 files
if he likes).

3. EVERY member must eventually work on ALL the files.
Lets imagine for the sake of simplicity there are only
5 files instead of 100.

Week1: Youcef works on file1, Arafat on file2, Ossama
file3, Abdulaziz file4, and Ahmed Zawawi file5.

Week2: Youcef takes file2, Arafat file3, Ossama
file4.... etc... and look at the work the previous
person has done. If we like their translations, we
leave it as it is. If we don't like a certain
translation, we add our own. We go on about this way
until EVERYONE has worked on EVERYTHING.

If anyone wants to work on more than 1 file per week
they can do so AS LONG AS no one else is working on it
that same week.

1. Once one of the files has been worked on by every
one participating in the common terms translation
(again Arafat's responsibility to keep track of who
worked on what), then that file will be ready for
voting and carried off to a different section.

2. Each member will go through the file (at his
leisure), and add his name (or a symbol) next to the
translation he likes best.

3. The votes are tallied. In case of a tie, it's the
Chief of Translation's (a position we have yet to
fill) vote that will be the deciding factor.

4. Once all members have voted the two translations
with most votes are kept and the others deleted.

5. That particular file is marked "finished" and
carried off to be merged with the master common_terms

Of course the voting process doesn't have to wait
until the translating process is finished. We can vote
on a file even if translation on other files hasn't
even started.

Does anyone have another plan? We really need to get
started on this ASAP...


P.S. When is the next QAC meeting? Should we wait for
M El-Zubeir to resurface or go on without him?

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