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Re: utf-8 in browsers (was - Re: ???? ???????)

--- john <jdmcbride snip.net> wrote:
> Please continue to keep me on your list.  However, my messenger does
> not serve Arabic.  I assume
> that the gibberish that showed up was the response of a Roman-only
> font-server.  I am using Redhat LINUX  7.3 with the included netscape
> navigator.  I set up in KDE.  GNU is included.  Any suggestions
> about how I should reconfigure of what utilities, etc., I might need to
> configure ?

John, you need to use a browser that supports the display of UTF-8
encodings (try mozilla, konqueror, etc).  You might have to invoke that
setting by hand (look into display and encodings, etc on your browser
of choice).


 - Nadim

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