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I have an idea for vte and gnome-terminal arabic support

Actually I have three ideas
method one:

in the vte source code we have a file src/vtexft.c we have a function called


it divides the request into runs of same fonts then call
  glyphs[j].glyph = XftCharIndex (data->display, font, requests[i].c);
to convert chars to glyphs
and here we should inject our code
instead of requests[i].c we use shaped_chars[i]
which is the shaped form of requests[i].c (using fribidi2 or IBM's ICU
or even my mu)
or even replace the entire XftCharIndex  with  pango_shape

(and of course ./configure should be told to use xft implementation of vte)

method two:
in the vtepangox.c or vtepango.c
_vte_pango_x_draw_text or _vte_pango_draw_text
we have something like

	for (i = 0; i < n_requests; i++) {
		length = g_unichar_to_utf8(requests[i].c, buf);
		pango_layout_set_text(data->layout, buf, length);
		gdk_draw_layout(draw->widget->window, data->gc,
				requests[i].x, requests[i].y,

replace that to work on the whole run (having same y for example) by having buf
in a way similar to vtexft.c
instead of

(and of course ./configure should be told to use pango/pangox
implementation of vte)

method three:
having an entire implementation

So, what is the next step!
how can help me do any of those things or suggest something to me