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Re: Moving Thwab to auto-tools and Gecko engine


The following link contains an example of how to make an Automake-aware project (the example is about gdu):


I hope it may help you.


On Dec 12, 2007 8:54 AM, moayyad sadi <alsadi at gmail dot com> wrote:

I'm planning to move thwab.net project
to use GNU auto-tools (auto-make auto-config ..etc)

I need a sckeleton example
please some one send me a template tree for how
to start

please note that I want it to be linked with Gecko engine (Mozilla
firefox HTML engine)

so please some one sent me a template TAR
having basic template files

I want it to be like the source tree for gimp

the same source tarball file having several packages

libgimp ..etc

so I want it to be like this

thwab the gui
libthwab the backend lib
libitar the lib which have routines to randomly access compressed tar files

please help me to make the move faster
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