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Re: ireminder

--- Thamer Mahmoud <thamer at newkuwait dot org> wrote:
> This would allow a user to be reminded in any form he wants. Whether
> it's an azan being played, or a message box, or the background going
> red, etc.
> To elaborate a bit, I'm looking for a solution that would make all the
> following commands possible:
> ireminder -exec "mplayer Azan.mp3"
> Or
> ireminder -exec "/bin/echo now is the time of %s"
> Or
> ireminder -exec "xmessage 'Time for %s.'"
> Or any other command that the user chooses for a reminder. If a user
> includes an '%s' in the -exec argument, that '%s' would be replaced by
> the prayer name before running the command. if not, just execute the
> command. Maybe the time of the prayer should also have it's own
> variable, like '%t' for example.

This is actually very simple to do and I'll take a crack at it in the
next few days.  What I had envisioned when ireminder was created was
a '-gui' feature (using Tk) that would pop a reminder dialog Y-minutes
prior to prayer or similar (the '-exec' could fork an external agent
to do that as well).  The -gui shouldn't be difficult to do now that
Tk is a full-fledged perl library ('use Tk').  I'll add that on my list
when I get some time...

Thamer, while on the topic - should we start talking about a new release
of ITL (lib and itools) since there have been various changes since its
last release.


 - Nadim

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