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Re: Islamic Tools Library

--- Hussein Sakr <hasakr at hotmail dot com> wrote:
> I just downloaded the Islamic Tools Library for Prayer times
> and Hijri calender as well as the Qur'an library.  As I am not
> a developer, but own an Islamic Web site, would it be possible
> to pay for your services to install the programs on my site?
> I can use any payment method that you would prefer.

We are an open source project [1] meaning everything we do is available
for all to use and even modify as they see fit given they abide by
some well-known rules and regulations (depending on the license, most
are under GPL [1]).  In short, go right ahead and deploy them as you
see fit.  We only ask that you note the origin of these tools in hopes
of directing more developers Arabeyes' way to help out (including a
link is always nice too).

If you insist on a donation you can always visit Arabeyes' donate
page [2].

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_software
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPL
[3] http://www.arabeyes.org/donate.php


 - Nadim

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