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typing in arabic in terminal?

salam 3alaikum...
i know for a fact this can be done, but i am having trouble doing it... i have mlterm setup,
and i can read arabic (less works fine, etc) -- but suppose i just want to type an arabic
string (for example, to play with transliterator or baghdad or duali)... is it supposed to just
work out the box with mlterm (or is there something extra i have to do?) -- if i try it in a
gnome-terminal, i get:

** (gnome-terminal:23576): WARNING **: Error (Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character) converting data for child, dropping.

so i am not sure what to make of that... i can type arabic in normal apps fine (gaim, firefox, thunderbird, ...).

also, on the same topic, is mlterm what most of you guys use w/arabic, and, if so, does anyone have any nice xdefault settings or configs to make it prettier than it is by default?

jazakumAllah khair.
wsalam 3alaikum,