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Re: [Issue N49191] QT bugs

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On Monday 24 May 2004 16:51, qt-bugs at trolltech dot com wrote:

> On Monday, 24. Mai 2004 09:43 Youcef Rabah Rahal wrote:


> Being not too familiar with what proper RTL behavior is I've assigned
> most of your comments in that category to our development team. They
> will come back to you as appropriate.

Thanks !

> We are aware of some shortcomings in the RTL support esp. for the
> complex widgets, and will address those for Qt 4.0. The current
> implementations are optimzied for LTR layouts, and changing that is
> virtually impossible.


> > 2- Misc :
> > - - ---------
> >
> > a- The method QWidget::sizeHint() does not take account of the widget
> > caption. Is that done on purpose ?
> It's not necessarily on purpose, but since there is no defined way to
> find out the actual size of the window caption (esp. on X11) it is
> impossible to solve.

Hmm. I was thinking about QFontMetrics::width(). The method gives 
excellent/predictible results for texts in other contexts. Isn't it usable in 
this case ?

Currently, if we ever call QWidget::setFixedSize(QWidget::sizeHint()) we end 
up with a widget that the user can't resize and with an unreadable caption if 
it's a little longer than the width returned by QWidget::sizeHint().

> > 3- Enhancements suggestions:
> > - - ----------------------------


> > b- What about adding to the library some new dialogs (like
> > QFileDialog, QColorDialog..) in order to select the PenStyle and the
> > BrushStyle (and even the PenJoinStyle and PenCapStyle) ? :-)
> I don't see the generic use for this. Most applications would probaby
> rather have a combobox or some other quick solution.

Well, it is useful in all apps where the user is able and wants to change the 
line style or the brush style (drawing apps). I was indeed thinking about 
using a QComboBox in the app I'm developing, but it would be easier for the 
developer if there was something already in the lib. But again, that is an 
'enhancement' suggestion :-)

> > PS: Is the ts file shipped with QT updated with the library strings ?
> It should be at least :)

OK. I asked because the number of strings did not change in more than one year 

Thanks for your quick reply,


- -- 
Youcef R. Rahal
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
