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RE: putty can shape now..

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 11:44, Musab Al-Rawi wrote:
> >From: "ahmad khalifa" <ahmadkhalifa at hotmail dot com>
> >when u call ExtTextOut with the flag ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, the input string 
> >lpString, is not a
> >Unicode string oran ASCII string, its an INDEX string, that means (from 
> >what i understand) that
> >lpString is a Double-Byte string of Glyph indices relative to the current 
> >selected font in the given
> >display context...
> well i tried to do what's in this email ( i didn't do what you said about 
> converting to CP-1256 ) and when i tested Putty i got arabic letters that 
> are not shaped and not orders and the wrong thing was not the same letters i 
> should see, for example instead of having     i got     so i think 
> that there is something i am missing, another thing that i really need to 
> work on is the indexing thing in letters can someone forward me to a web 
> site that explains the UTF-8 at least so that i know what i am deal with...
> thanks and have a good one

A good starting point could be http://www.arabeyes.org/resources.php

But generally, the Unicode (http://www.unicode.org/) is where you will
end up.

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