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Re: libquran questions

On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 12:46:39AM -0500, ahmed el-helw wrote:
> salam alaikum.
> config.log is attached - as you can see, stops at the vorbis test...
> i manually compiled and ran the program and it just segfaults (the
> test program at the end of config.log) when you run it.

seems that attachment is not allowed or you have forgotten to attach it

> gnomequran compiled beautifully under gentoo... *shrugs*
> any help could be appreciated (lol unless i decide to install gentoo
> on my desktop too hehe :))

it will be important to slackware users

Mohammad DAMT <mdamt at mdamt dot com> http://www.mdamt.net
"tipi?? tu tipi belon lunas gue bayar tau nggak?", ??, Benjamin S & Ida Rojani.