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Re: duali 0.1b released


You did a great job ! I tested duali with a CP1256 file downloaded from the net and it (he ?) seems to be happy about it: no error outputs, no spelling errors etc. So I guess the file was OK in spelling. Maybe I should hack it so it would contain intentional faults and see what Mr duali says...

I have 3 remarks though. They are all +/- related to user-friendliness... I am not sure you want to hear them ? OK, I can't resist the need to tell about them :-))

1- Why does the INSTALL file say 'download the data files and create them' while they are easily created from the data/ directory ?

2- If the user doesn't specify the good encoding, the program outputs some python error lines. Maybe this could be changed so it would outputs only 1-2 understand-able line(s).

3- Oops... I totally forgot about it. I should have noted it. I'm sure I had a third remark. I will hopefully remember it :-)

Anyway, if you want my opinion, I encourage you to port it to C++. Let's see it in action in some text-editor (katoob ?) and maybe with a suggestion(s)-when-a-spell-error-occurs feature ;-) In the meanwhile, if pyduali suggests corrections in the command line, I think it would be 'fully' use-able as is (in its python implementation).

Keep up the great work & Salam.


From: Mohammed Elzubeir
Subject: duali 0.1b released
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 13:23:05 -0400


Duali (http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=duali) ver 0.1b is

 + It now allows you to check CP1256 (yuck) encoded files as
   well as the default UTF-8.
 + It now has a configuration file

People! I need some rigorous testing.. I'm not talking about user-friendliess
and as such.. but general feedback on the outputs you get. If the results
are sufficient then I can move to the C++ implementation and do the
proper spellchecker.

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