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Re: DailyBackup
- To: Administrative Discussions <admin at arabeyes dot org>
- Subject: Re: DailyBackup
- From: Nadim Shaikli <shaikli at yahoo dot com>
- Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 23:10:24 -0800 (PST)
--- Anmar Oueja <anmar at canada dot com> wrote:
> The backup from SINA to RAZI is hapening but i need more info. Please
> let me know what specific files you need so we can start backing them up.
> Currently, I have all of /home/arabeyes with the exception of work. I do
> realize that /etc has some items that need back. Are there any other
> dirs i need to know about ?
Anmar, I would say the following four area _must_ be covered
(they are in essence what constitute Arabeyes - ie. in case
of a meltdown, "what do we need to rebuild to go live ?"),
1. CVS repositories
- /home/arabeyes/cvs/*
- /home/arabeyes/localcvs/*
2. Mailing-list raw files
- /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/*.mbox/*
3. MySQL databases
- Not sure how you dump the mysql tables, but there is a command
4. The Arabeyes home-dir (including the logs)
- exclude /home/arabeyes/htdocs/lists/*
5. Various sensitive info (/etc/passwd, /etc/group, etc)
I'm sure there are other things.. Anyone ?
NOTE: all the setup files should already be in the repository
(if they aren't then they need to be); any file we touch that
is not a .deb native we should check-in.
It would also be wise to backup all users' home-dirs at least once
a week or so just in case (people can give you their exclude lists
(if any)).
Hope that helps & Salam.
- Nadim
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