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Re: publishing quran in kacstbook

--- Fatih Araz <fatiharaz1980 at gmail dot com> wrote:
> i have startet typing the quran, and i want to publish it in the kacstbook
> font. Did i neet licence from the designer of the font?
> (Sorry for my bad english)

I don't think you need any license per se but I think you'll find that some
of the needed characters might be missing (and that is something we need to
document and again approach unicode.org with to have them include all the
necessary characters into their charts so we don't end-up with a font per
application mentality).  In other words, as you do this work document any
characters that needed that weren't part of the font (in lieu of adding them
yourself) so that we can make mention of them to unicode.org.

And your english is fine ;-)

> i send you 2 pages of my work.

Didn't get anything - sorry (and I don't think I need it to be honest).

> Thank you
> S.A
> -- 
> Fatih Araz
> www.fatiharaz.net

I'm CC'ing your reply to Arabeyes' "general" mailing-list [1] hoping
that you subscribe there to reach a wider audience.  Feel free to post
to that mailing-list in the future with your questions/concerns.

[1] http://www.arabeyes.org/mailinglists.php


 - Nadim

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