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OLPC and arabic support


OLPC is looking for someone to join the OLPC-red hat team to work on
Arabic support for Linux. OLPC's philosophy is that all work should be
contributed up stream, so any work done by or through OLPC will benefit
the whole community.

Following is the job description, if you know of anyone who matches the
description and is enthusiastic about open source and arabic (or if the
description matches your skills) please refer them to me or Chris
Blizzard <blizzard at redhat dot com>. Feel free to forward.

Job Requirements:

o Is fluent in Arabic and English.
o Experience with complex font rendering systems and Unicode strongly
o Experience with Arabic text input systems preferred
o Excellent programming skills in C and C++ required
o Experience with Unix or Linux and internationalization on those
platforms including recent technology development required
o Community development experience a plus.
o Experience living in middle eastern cultures a plus.
o Willing to live and relocate to the Boston, MA area.

Job Description:

Your role will be to support the Arabic Language on the One Laptop per
Child laptop.  This includes making fixes to the various libraries and
programs on the system to properly support Arabic text input and
rendering as well as other languages that use Arabic script.  You will
be required to work closely with both representatives from interested
countries and with software vendors to make sure that fixes are properly
integrated.  Additionally, you will be required to support translation
efforts and help enable a translation community.  In some cases, this
means that you will need to make translations yourself but that will not
be your primary role.
