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Re: article: OpenOffice.org development boosted by Arab-Israeli collaboration?

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 08:47:03 +0100, Muhammad Alkarouri
<malkarouri at yahoo dot co dot uk> wrote:
> Salam,
> Here is the article you are waiting for...
> http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/software/0,2000061733,39163114,00.htm

Yeah, someone mentioned it last night, but I was hoping Ingrid would
mention it.

> I think there is a bit of spin here, but this is journalism..


> Opinions?

While there has been cooperation between all those concerned with RTL
based scripts (I think the true origins of this began with FriBidi), I
don't recall any tangible coordination or 'working-together' with
Hebrew speakers as far as OpenOffice.org is concerned. This mainly due
to the fact that they are ahead of us in terms of use and development
of OOo.

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