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Re: first 8 xfonts packages available

--- Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle at freenet dot de> wrote:
> Am 2004-07-12 14:39:36, schrieb Ossama Khayat:
> >[...]
> >> I have killed your name :-/
> >
> >Hehe.. You're doing a great job by using this resource :)
> I had to rearrange the mirror two times :-/
> Question: Is it possibel to get an access/error-log 
> for the Directories /debian and /linux4michelle
> Generali it is easy done with grep...

Gents, please take private conversations off the list.  Do please
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these lists (and receiving these emails) as such spare them any
non-topical details.


 - Nadim

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