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Mailing-list etiquette

With the recent flurry of emails being replied to and CC'ed back and forth,
I think a simple etiquette reminder on what is required would be helpful.

 - Include the person's name/email (and date/time they sent their email)
   whenever replying such as the "On date/time, XX <person at address dot org>
   wrote:" etc
 - Include the relevant parts of the email that you are replying to
   and site the content in such a manner so that its rather evident.
   Most have gotten used to simply siting original emails with ">",
   but make sure its reasonable and we don't end-up seeing ">>>>>>"
   since I'm sure no one will want to keep track of that many levels
   of embedding.
 - Send using UTF-8 encoded text (esp. if mailing in Arabic)
 - Use plain text (refrain from html/Mime)
 - Include (or point-to) URLs instead of siting articles, press releases,
   logos, pictures, etc.

 - Include the entire email message when replying even though 99% of the
   message has nothing to do with your reply
 - Include various signatures/footer info when siting since its unnecessary
 - Include a long signature (1 or 2 lines max)
 - Include (or attach) your full PGP signature (if you can), instead
   provide a URL which points to where one can attain your PGP info.
   If you are registered, Arabeyes.org offers you the ability to upload
   your PGP Key onto your personal page (so you can simply link to your
   info page).
 - Use CP-1256 (delete that encoding from your computer all together :-)
 - Use html and/or mime (base64, etc)

Keep in mind that ALOT of the people on our mailing-lists are still on
dialups and as such I think they would really appreciate if we cut down
the fluff especially on such unnecessary things as including (or siting)
the entire message to simply answer 1 or 2 lines.

Be direct, be to the point and include only the parts you require to retain
the thought (after all we are archiving all the messages, so nothing gets
lost - no fear there); make sure to focus on the content and be as direct,
brief and clear as you can.

Now back to our regular program (sorry about the interruption).


 - Nadim

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