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Re: WinSCP translation again

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 11:04:37 +0000 (GMT), S.K. <moon_lightin at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> Salam All,


> I posted my message regarding WinSCP translation… I didn't get any
> translation for the word list I sent!!!! Anyway I translated some words and
> I hope somebody will look at it and correct the translation. 

I had made a mental note to reply to your first message, I guess I forgot...

> Word List 1:
> 1.Portion copyright: ÍÞæÞ ÇáØÈÚ ÇáÌÒÆíÉ
> 2.Filemanager Toolset library:
> 3.Application license agreement:ÇÊÝÇÞíÉ ÇáÑÎÕÉ ááÊØÈíÞÇÊ
> 4.Invalid mask:ÞäÇÚ
> 5.Create shortcut:ÇäÔÇÁÇÎÊÕÇÑ
> 6.Overwrite session:
> 7.Custom command:
> 8.Absolute path:
> 9.Initialize external console:
> 10.Cleanup data: 

Hmmmmm, what encoding are you using? I cannot read any of your Arabic
text, in any encoding. Please _always_ use UTF-8, especially when
posting to this mailing list. Anyway, here is how I would best
translate your strings:

1. Portion copyright: حقوق نشر القسم
2. Filemanager Toolset library: مكتبة طقم أدوات مدير الملفّات
3. Application license agreement: اتّفاقيّة ترخيص التّطبيق
4. Invalid mask: قناع غير نظامي
5. Create shortcut: إنشاء اختصار
6. Overwrite session: تنميق الجلسة
7. Custom command: أمر مخصّص
8. Absolute path: المسار المطلق
9. Initialize external console: تهيئة الطّرفيّة الخارجيّة
10. Cleanup data: ترتيب البيانات ?

The last one is too context-dependent to be translated with any certainty.

We have a CVS repository where you can find thousands of already
translated strings[1]. In the future the fastest way you can find
suitable translations for your strings would be to grep through it

Also, we're not in the habit of translating Windows applications, nor
are we planning to branch into that domain. This case I just made an
exception :-)
