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Re: [QAC] Moayyad's 'lingual' document

On Sun, May 30, 2004 at 11:08:09PM -0700, Ossama Khayat wrote:

This has been a rather heated discussion and I have tried to stay away
to give everyone a chance to voice their opinions. I have yet to hear Moayyad's
say in all of this -- and I'm sure he did not expect that some of the items
he mentioned in his proposal were going to spur a controversy. Well, it did!

Anyone assuming that Arabeyes is a "Muslim" project is in for a big surprise.
It is not. In dealings with Arabeyes project, do not make such an assumption.
Nowhere in our charter do we mention religion. As has been said before, Arabic
is not exclusive to Muslims and neither is Islam is exclusive to Arabs. So,
putting any guidelines that make a religious distinction is simply 
unacceptable. This goes beyond the rights of QAC and if it needs to be 
revisited (which I don't believe it does), it would have to be revoked
by Core and not QAC.

Localization is not the same thing as interpetation. Please be very
careful how you define things. This is specifically for Munzir Taha.
Localization is defined very specifically to things such as time, currency, 
etc. It does not have anything to do with localizing ideologies. Because this 
is actually coming up, I will be sure to bring it up on the upcoming QAC 
meeting to ensure it is clearly stated and clarified in the Arabic 
Documentation Standards draft.

People, localization or even translation is not intepretation. You cannot
interpret things. Your/Our job is to translate. Convey the other person's
writings as closely as possible in another language.. not explain them.
You are NOT at liberty to say, "As they say". You are not at liberty to
paraphrase. You are to translate as written. As Abdulaziz has said, if
there are things (which I very much doubt) that conflict with any personal
beleifs then by all mean, do not translate it -- but do not feel free to
interpret it as you please.

Some of the things said here may be opinion based. The upcoming QAC
meeting will discuss these issues and a final policy will be drafted to clarify
things, and forward we go.

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://elzubeir.fakkir.net/ |

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