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Re: Small introductory message

--- Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian dot org> wrote:
> I joined Arabeyes and subscribed to this specific Arabeyes mailing
> list because I think I can make my possible for convincing you people
> to continue the work on translating our installer....and maybe later
> other stuff in Debian. I already explained in another mail why I think
> this is worth it....

Cool - welcome aboard !!  One quick note in passing, could someone please
post a URL to a image showing some Arabic strings with harakat in 'em
(ie. with composing characters in them - fatha, damma, etc).  I've asked
for this 3-4 times as it could be something that might require fixing.
> Currently, I would like to have the translation work already done in
> Arabeyes CVS pushed back in Debian repository so that we have a more
> complete translation in the daily builds.

Again in passing (as I'm not really involved, but I wrote a script to
deal with this issue), someone in Debian really needs to look into how
'stage1' files are noted in debian's CVS (note the very deep hierarchy)
compared to the more correct flat 'stage2' and 'stage3'.  I've resorted
to renaming the files to remove that unnecessary hierarchy to better
fit our methodology.  Do please let the proper person/group know of this
oddity in 'stage1' for 'em to "fix" it :-)

Again welcome aboard and its great to have you here.


 - Nadim

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