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Re: Plural-Forms header

Quoting Denis Barbier (barbier at linuxfr dot org):

> Your line makes 2nd and 3rd cases identical, it should be
>   Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n%100==1 || n==0 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 2 : 3;

Yes, I corrected it in the meantime.

> It is also not clear whether first case is right or should be n%100<=1

IIRC, 100 does not drive singular but rather 4th form.

Discussion restarted between Arabeyes people in order to find
something appropriate. Seems that maybe 5 or even 6 plural forms could
be needed..:-)