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Re: discussing the QAC rule - acronyms

--- Munzir Taha <munzirtaha at newhorizons dot com dot sa> wrote:
> On Yaum al-Sabt 29 Jumaada al-Awal 1425 07:24 am, Isam Bayazidi wrote:
> > - Translitration is used for localized versions of many products.. for
> > example, when you log to microsoft.com site with the Arabic
> > localozation, you will see a translitration for almost all the product
> > names.
> Just point me to such a link and I will be convinced. I logged into the site 
> and can't find any arabic transliteration of their soooo many products

Alright, how about this:
Another site from an official organization:
And another from an official magazine:

And I could site many other examples of companies that transliterate; Toshiba,
Apple, Sony, and most others that do any form of localization or any hardware
company that sells around the globe.

Its worth noting, (although I could not find pages that prove this) is that
some companies aren't consistent whether they translate, transliterate, or
transcribe. So just citing one example where some company transcribes its
product names doesn't mean we should do that always. If you remember right,
Windows 3.1 was released under the name نوافذ, but nowadays its become
ويندوز. Its because these most companies are not consistent in what they
do that _we_ chose to be consistent, as I'm sure you will agree.


> May I say that neither you nor Elzubeir - with your know experience in 
> computers - has noticed that NO famous COMPUTER COMPANY in the WORLD 
> transliterate its products? You didn't even notice it ;)

See above. Right now I'm leafing through the papers that came with my Compaq
laptop, and I see the word كومباك in all its transliterated glory
practically everywhere ;)

Munzir, please understand that the QAC don't make these decision off-handedly.
They would not have made the decision to transliterate if there was not a good
reason for it.

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