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Re: corrections to Firefox pos

Quoting Ossama Khayat from the general list: [1]

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 23:39:47 -0800 (PST), Ossama Khayat
<okhayat at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> [...]
> I would prefer Eghlaq (sorry, no Arabic keyboard now, sorry)
> [...]
> _Please_ don't use this at all!!! Use 'Edhghat' instead.
> Just wanted to reply ASAP. Will do again if Arabic letters is a must.
> - Ossama

Actually, I like إضغط and إغلاق more, but I found غلق and إنقر used
more in Gnome, so I thought this was the general consensus here.

Any other opinions?


[1] http://lists.arabeyes.org/archives/general/2004/December/msg00082.html

On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 00:22:32 +0200, Ayman Hourieh <aymanh at gmail dot com> wrote:
> Would you please ignore my email in general about Arafat's
> corrections, I noticed that it was in general after sending, please
> continue the discussion here, sorry for this.
> Arafat, thanks for your corrections, I went through the files and did
> some changes:
> [...]