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File ready for revision! (and other stuff)...


Translation of the file gossip.po is now complete and
it's ready for revision and correction (As I am sure
there will be many.)

Arafat, I've heavily commented the entries which I've
though to be most interesting. Please let me know what
you think.

I tried to be as consistent as possible, always
following the precedents in the database, but
sometimes a translation found in the database would
not be appropriate to the context of Gossip, so I
changed a few things.

Probably the only thing that still needs thorough
revision is the accelerators. I ran the accelerator
check from kbabel and "no mismatches" were found, but
still you may need to look at them.

I have recieved my CVS account from Mr. El-Zubeir (big
thank you) and I should commit this file right now,
but I still can't access CVS because of the proxy.
There must be at least 1 person here who connects to
the internet through an http proxy and has CVS
configured accordingly... Any help?

I've attached the file for your review. Please let me
know if I need to work on this file some more or if I
will be recieving a new mission :)


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