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Re: discussing... problems with wordlist.po

--- Arafat Medini <lumina at silverpen dot de> wrote:
> So as you can see we have so many problems with the wordlist with
> RESPECT to it's achievement, that it's far away of making it a standard
> for DE translation. simply putting thousands of words in a file and then
> saying this is the standard is not the right path.
> We need a complete overwhaul of how the wordlist responds to needs like
> DE translation projects have.
> some ideas:
> - multiple choice
> - more accurate words
> - maybe branch wordlist po in multiple wordlists ??
> - meetings btw us and the wordlist ppl are also welcomed.
> Though I want to repeat something: the wordlist po is a great work done
> by great ppl, I respect the project and if it fulfills my needs I'll be
> the first one to use it!
> But for now it doesn't fulfill my needs at all. From the words I
> searched for, only general terms were accurate, if the file fails to
> give me a good translation even for "quit" so what about really complex
> debug strings? Or system sensitive strings like changing keys or very
> complex grammar? which needs completely different words then a one to
> one translation?

Keep in mind that the 'wordlist' project is exactly that - its supposed to
be a "general" translator of terms.  If, in passing, you see terms that are
incorrect or require modification, please please please suggest alternatives.
QaMoose's suggest/add form is there for just that reason !!


As I've pointed out, I think what is being said here and what I'm hearing
is that everyone is agreeing to the need for a technical list of words and
acronyms which better fit the translation projects.  As such, again as noted,
I'll be taking Hafid's list of terms and their translation and will be 
importing that to our CVS as a 'technical' wordlist.  Once uploaded, people
should go through the file and discuss and agree on the translations.  Once
completed, it ought to be what you guys are all shooting for - an agreed
upon "standard" to be used for technical translations.

While on the topic, at some point we'll want to pull those technical words
to the golden 'wordlist' files, but before we can do that (and/or even go
down that path) a couple of things need to happen,

 a. We'll need to complete the first round of all the words in the wordlist
    to be translated (I believe Ahmad is working on a schedule)
 b. We'll need to come-up with a logical and sane means to specify multi-
    category translations (not sure how best to do this).

But in short and not to muddy the waters further, the "standard" 'technical'
wordlist ought to be something the Gnome/KDE people should discuss and agree
upon so that it becomes, as Mr. Elzubeir noted, "law" :-)  Expect a CVS
commit of the technical wordlist list within 24 hours inshalla, once that
happens I highly suggest you all go through it and point out which terms
are sub-par and require modification, etc.


 - Nadim

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