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Re: Arabic Dictionary - full_wordlist.po

--- Ossama Khayaat <ossamak nht com kw> wrote:
> From: Nadim Shaikli <shaikli yahoo com>
> > Ossama, could you please give us an update on the much awaited
> > 'full_wordlist'.
> Here are some estimations:
>     + It needs about 84 hours (if one translates about 4 words per
>       minute, and still we have ~20000 untranslated)
>     + Add 40 hours of refining and quickly checking
>     + Add more 40 hours for standarizing the translations
> So, that would be about 164 hours or approximately 80 days, with a rate
> of 2 hours a day.

OK, I will continue to pursue others that might be interested in helping
out (as I personally view this as a VERY important task).  Do please keep
up with your wonderful work.

> > + Can you tell us what letters (A, B, C, ...) are done and
> >   which are very close to completion (for possible segmentation
> >   of the file/work) ?
> The last time I finished letter A and began with B.

Great, here's the file as it stands in terms of what letters require
how many entries (single words) to translate,

A =    20       J =   163       S = 2,744
B =   674       K =   204       T = 1,324
C = 2,142       L =   610       U =   666
D = 1,195       M = 1,205       V =   436
E =   616       N =   434       W =   692
F =   972       O =   564       X =    17
G =   599       P = 1,775       Y =    59
H =   804       Q =   114       Z =    39
I =   869       R = 1,069

Again, that's how many words that start with that particular letter are
left (the file is in alphabetical format).  Now that Ossama is working
on 'B' any other people interested in other letters (you must have a
letter you really like :-)  Do please help us guys...

> > + With the current rate of progress, when do you think we
> >   can realize a completed file ?
> I am afraid that I'm just so busy that I'm rarely working on it. This is
> because of work, Internet Access, and other issues.

Well, just try to do the best you can - as you note above if you can put
in 2-hour a day that would be great.

> > We didn't have any external deadlines for this, but I'm
> > beginning to believe that we need an internal one to press
> > forward with (its a goal no matter how its looked upon);
> > comments/ideas ?
> You're absolutely right, and I fully agree with you.
> Actually, I already mentioned some ideas about:
>     + Standarizing and refining the translation as much as possible
>       - Like fixing the Alef-Lam issue at the beginning of almost each word
>       - Standarizing the translation of verb forms (present, past, future,
>         ing, etc...)

Agreed but I think we can delay this until we are all done with the file.
This could be part of the review and standardization effort later on.

>     + Concentrating more on the technical translation, e.g. spawn is usually
>       translated as ÙSبÙSض where it is actually used as another word
>       for launch.

Keep in mind that this file is a general dictionary (ie. its not computer
centric), so both words are plausible.

>     + Removing words that are not found at all in all Internet's
>       dictionaries.

Yeah, if they can't be found, certainly remove them of tag them as BAD.

>     + When searching a word and a similar one is found - that is not already
>       there - it's better to added instead.

Agree 100%

> As I mentioned before, I use the www.onelook.com site to search for words
> and mostly find every word and many other news words here.

Great - thanks again for mentioning all those wonderful ideas/pointers.

> > For those interested in helping on this static project
> > (ie. the full_wordlist will not change between revisions),
> > do please post your queries to this list; we can sure use
> > the help !!
> >
> Yes, Please. And I do repeat my offer. For all those who help in this issue,
> or in translation in general, I'm ready to send them any Linux distro they
> like even if I had to buy it from the net and send it over :D

Plus, you'll have the pleasure of knowing that your name will be all over
the world's First Free _ARABIC_ DICTIONARY to ever exist and that's forever.

I do want to hear from 2-3 people that can help - it would be ideal if
various people signed-up for different letters and we went at it to complete
this work as soon as possible (as noted there are dictionary servers out
there waiting for our results).


 - Nadim

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