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Re: KWord terms

----- Original Message -----
Subject: KWord terms
Sent: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 03:20:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Sayed Al-Mosawi <yamyam at rocketmail dot com>
To: doc at arabeyes dot org
This is a try:

>1. inline (like in: Table is inline)
dakhil alnas
>2. Non-Inline.
bayna alnas
>3. Uncheck this checkbox.
Uncheck: Izalat tahdid 
the checkbox: sondouk al-ikhtiar  
>4. snaps: (same as align) Tabt  
>5. Zoom out/in.: Takbir / Tas3'ir
>6. Toggle (like in: Toggle the display of non-printing
>characters).  ?

>7. Turns on/off (like in: Turns the border display on
>and off), in this example you can use show/hide:  IThar/Ikhfa

>8. Hard Frame Break.  ?
>9. Strike out.  ?
>10. Superscript.   ? 
>11. Subscript.      ?
>12 Zoom to width.  width of what --> screen   Takbir biHajm Alshasha
                                                   --> window  Takbir biHajm
This is the best I can do. I hope you find it usefull. 


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