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Re: If someone know about PHP Prayertime for websites

Attached the prayertime php class. use it at your own risk.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Azhar Mehmood" <azhar at islamas dot lt>
To: <info at dynamix-tn dot com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: If someone know about PHP Prayertime for websites

> Salam Hatem
> Could you please send me the code. I want it please...
> Jazak Allah 
> Azhar
> > From: "Hatem Ben Yacoub" <info at dynamix-tn dot com>
> > Salam,
> > 
> > This year I've rewritten in PHP the original CPP code of Um Al Qura
> > algorythm to compute prayer time, and sunrise, but didn't get correct
> > values. And i'm not sure if it was a problem of my testing values or 
> of my
> > code ! The original code was written by Fayez Alhargan in 2001, and 
> make use
> > of about 12 parameters.
> > 
> > If interested, i can send you the code.
> > 
> > Hatem

define ('pi',M_PI);
define ('DToR',pi/180);
define ('RToH',12/pi);
define ('EarthRadius',6378.14);

 * prayertime class : class that computes prayer times and sunrise.
 * Original CPP code written by :  Fayez Alhargan, 2001
 * King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
 * Computer and Electronics Research Institute
 * Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
 * alhargan at kacst dot edu dot sa
 * Tel:4813770 Fax:4813764
 * @package 
 * @author Ben Yacoub Hatem <hatem at php dot net>
 * @website http://Www.phptunisie.net/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2004
 * @version $Id$ - 28/02/2004 19:41:19 - prayertime.class.php
 * @access public
class prayertime{
     * Constructor
     * @access protected
	function prayertime(){
	 * prayertime::GetRatior() Function to obtain the ratio of the start time of Isha and Fajr at
	 * a referenced latitude (45deg suggested by Rabita) to the night length
	 * @param $yg
	 * @param $mg
	 * @param $dg
	 * @param $param
	 * @param $IshRt
	 * @param $FajrRt
	 * @return 
	function GetRatior($yg,$mg,$dg,$param,&$IshRt,&$FajrRt){
		if($param[2]<0) $MaxLat= -abs($param[9]); else $MaxLat= abs($param[9]);
		$Night=24-($Setting-$Rise);  /* Night Length */
		/* Fajr */
		$H=$H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
		$FjrRf=$Transit-$H-$param[0];    /* Fajr time  */
		/* Isha */
		if($param[7]!=0)  /* if Ish angle  not equal zero*/
			$H=$H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
			$IshRf=$Transit+$H+$param[0];    /* Isha time, instead of  Sunset+1.5h */
			$IshRf=$Setting+$param[10];  /* Isha time OmAlqrah standard Sunset+1.5h */
		$IshRt=($IshRf-$Setting)/$Night;  /* Isha time ratio */
		$FajrRt=($Rise-$FjrRf)/$Night;  /* Fajr time ratio */
	 * prayertime::atanxy()
	 * @param $x
	 * @param $y
	 * @return 
	function atanxy($x,$y){
		if($x==0)  $argm=0.5*pi; else $argm=atan($y/$x);
		if($x>0 && $y<0) $argm=2.0*pi+$argm;
		if($x<0) $argm=pi+$argm;
		return $argm;

	 * prayertime::EclipToEquator()
	 * @param $lmdr
	 * @param $betar
	 * @param $alph
	 * @param $dltr
	 * @return 
	function EclipToEquator($lmdr,$betar,&$alph,&$dltr){
		  Convert Ecliptic to Equatorial Coordinate
		  p.40 No.27, Peter Duffett-Smith book
		  input: lmdr,betar  in radians
		  output: alph,dltr in radians
		$eps=23.441884;  // (in degrees) this changes with time
		$rad=0.017453292;  // =pi/180.0
		$epsr=$eps*$rad;  // convert to radians
	 * prayertime::RoutinR2()
	 * @param $M
	 * @param $e
	 * @return 
	function RoutinR2($M,$e){
		Routine R2:
		Calculate the value of E
		p.91, Peter Duffett-Smith book
		// verify abs of fbas ?!!
		return $Ec;
	 * prayertime::GCalendarToJD()
	 * @param $yy
	 * @param $mm
	 * @param $dd
	 * @return 
	function GCalendarToJD($yy,$mm,$dd){
		if ($mm > 2) {
			$y = $yy;
			$m = $mm;
		else {
			$y = $yy - 1;
			$m = $mm + 12;
		$A = $y / 100;
		$B = 2 - $A + $A / 4;
		$T1= (integer) (365.25 * ($y + 4716));
		$T2= (integer) (30.6001 * ($m + 1));
		$Tr=$T1+ $T2 + $dd + $B - 1524.5 ;

		return $Tr;

	 * prayertime::GDateAjust()
	 * @param $yg
	 * @param $mg
	 * @param $dg
	 * @return 
	function GDateAjust(&$yg,&$mg,&$dg){
		$gmonth= array(31,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,31);/* makes it circular m[0]=m[12] & m[13]=m[1] */
		/* Make sure that dates are within the correct values */
		/*  Underflow  */
		if($mg<1)  /* months underflow */
			$mg=12+$mg;  /* plus as the underflow months is negative */
		if($dg<1)  /* days underflow */
			$mg= $mg-1;  /* month becomes the previous month */
			$dg=$gmonth[$mg]+$dg; /* number of days of the month less the underflow days (it is plus as the sign of the day is negative) */
			if($mg==2) $dg=$dg+prayertime::GLeapYear($yg);
			if($mg<1)  /* months underflow */
				$mg=12+$mg;  /* plus as the underflow months is negative */
		/* Overflow  */
		if($mg>12)  /* months */
			$dys=$gmonth[$mg]+prayertime::GLeapYear($yg);  /* number of days in the current month */
		if($dg>$dys)  /* days overflow */
				$dys=$gmonth[$mg]+prayertime::GLeapYear($yg);  /* number of days in the current month */
			if($mg>12)  /* months */

	 * prayertime::GLeapYear()
	 * @param $year
	 * @return 
	function GLeapYear($year){
		if($year%4==0) $T=1; /* leap_year=1; */
			$T=0;        /* years=100,200,300,500,... are not leap years */
			if($year%400==0) $T=1;  /*  years=400,800,1200,1600,2000,2400 are leap years */
		return $T;
	 * prayertime::SunParamr()
	 * @param $yg
	 * @param $mg
	 * @param $dg
	 * @param $ObsLon
	 * @param $ObsLat
	 * @param $TimeZone
	 * @param $Rise
	 * @param $Transit
	 * @param $Setting
	 * @param $RA
	 * @param $Decl
	 * @param $RiseSetFlags
	 * @return 
	function SunParamr($yg,$mg,$dg,$ObsLon,$ObsLat,$TimeZone,&$Rise,&$Transit,&$Setting,&$RA,&$Decl,&$RiseSetFlags){
		p.99 of the Peter Duffett-Smith book

		$T=($JD+ $TimeZone/24.0 - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
		$L=279.6966778+36000.76892*$T+0.0003025*$T*$T;  // in degrees
		while($L>360) $L=$L-360;
		while($L<0) $L=$L+360;
		$L=$L*pi/180.0;  // radians
		while($M>360) $M=$M-360;
		while($M<0) $M=$M+360;
		$UT=$ET*180.0/(15.0*pi);   // from radians to hours
		$K=12-$UT-$TimeZone+$ObsLon*12.0/pi;  // (Noon)
		/*  Sunrise and Sunset*/
		$angl=(-0.833333)*DToR;  // Meeus p.98
		$T2=(cos($Decl)*cos($ObsLat));  // p.38  Hour angle for the Sun
		if($cH>1)  {$RiseSetFlags=16;$cH=1;}  /*At this day and place the sun does not rise or set  */
		$Rise=$K-$H; 	       // Sunrise
		$Setting=$K+$H; // SunSet
		return $JD;

  For international prayer times see Islamic Fiqah Council of the Muslim
  World League:  Saturday 12 Rajeb 1406H, concerning prayer times and fasting
  times for countries of high latitudes.
  This program is based on the above.
/* Name:    OmAlQrah                                                         */
/* Type:    Procedure                                                        */
/* Purpose: Compute prayer times and sunrise                                 */
/* Arguments:                                                                */
/*   yg,mg,dg : Date in Greg                                                 */
/*   param[0]: Safety time  in hours should be 0.016383h                     */
/*   longtud,latud: param[1],[2] : The place longtude and latitude in radians*/
/*   HeightdifW : param[3]: The place western herizon height difference in meters */
/*   HeightdifE : param[4]: The place eastern herizon height difference in meters */
/*   Zonh :param[5]: The place zone time dif. from GMT  West neg and East pos*/
/*          in decimal hours                                                 */
/*  fjrangl: param[6]: The angle (radian) used to compute                    */
/*            Fajer prayer time (OmAlqrah  -19 deg.)                         */
/*  ashangl: param[7]: The angle (radian) used to compute Isha  prayer time  */
/*          ashangl=0 then use  (OmAlqrah: ash=SunSet+1.5h)                  */
/*  asr  : param[8]: The Henfy (asr=2) Shafi (asr=1, Omalqrah asr=1)         */
/*  param[9]: latude (radian) that should be used for places above -+65.5    */
/*            should be 45deg as suggested by Rabita                         */
/*   param[10]: The Isha fixed time from Sunset                              */
/*  Output:                                                                  */
/*  lst[]: lst[n], 1:Fajer 2:Sunrise 3:Zohar 4:Aser  5:Magreb  6:Ishe        */
/*                 7:Fajer using exact Rabita method for places >48          */
/*                 8:Ash   using exact Rabita method for places >48          */
/*                 9: Eid Prayer Time                                        */
/*          for places above 48 lst[1] and lst[6] use a modified version of  */
/*          Rabita method that tries to eliminate the discontinuity          */
/*         all in 24 decimal hours                                           */
/*         returns flag:0 if there are problems, flag:1 no problems          */
	 * @access public
	 * @return void 
	function OmAlQrah($yg,$mg,$dg,$param,&$lst){
		Main Local variables:
		RA= Sun's right ascension
		Decl= Sun's declination
		H= Hour Angle for the Sun
		K= Noon time
		angl= The Sun altitude for the required time
		flagrs: sunrise sunset flags
		0:no problem
		16: Sun always above horizon (at the ploes for some days in the year)
		32: Sun always below horizon
		/* Compute the Sun various Parameters */
		/* Compute General Values */
		/* Noon */
		/* Compute the height correction  */
		if($flagrs==0 && abs($param[2])<0.79 && ($param[4]!=0 || $param[3]!=0))
		{   /* height correction not used for problematic places above 45deg*/
			$angl=-0.83333*DToR;  /* standard value  angl=50min=0.8333deg
			for sunset and sunrise */
			$X=EarthRadius*1000.0;  /* meters  */
			$angl=-0.83333*DToR+(0.5*pi-asin($X/($X+$param[3])));  /*  */
		/* Modify Sunrise,Sunset and Transit for problematic places*/
		if(!($flagrs==0 && abs($Setting-$Rise)>1 && abs($Setting-$Rise)<23))
		{  /* There are problems in computing sun(rise,set)  */
			/* This is because of places above -+65.5 at some days of the year */
			/* Note param[9] should be  45deg as suggested by Rabita  */
			if($param[2]<0) $MaxLat= -abs($param[9]); else $MaxLat= abs($param[9]);
			/* Recompute the Sun various Parameters using the reference param[9] */
			$K=$Transit;  /* exact noon time */
			/* ReCompute General Values for the new reference param[9]*/
		if($K<0) $K=$K+24;
		$lst[2]=$Rise-$HightCorEast;   /* Sunrise - Height correction */
		$lst[3]=$K+$param[0];   /* Zohar time+extra time to make sure that the sun has moved from zaowal */
		$lst[5]=$Setting+$HightCorWest+$param[0]; /* Magrib= SunSet + Height correction + Safety Time */
		/* Asr time: Henfy param[8]=2, Shafi param[8]=1, OmAlqrah asr=1  */
		if($problm) /* For places above 65deg */
		else /* no problem */
		$act=$param[8]+tan(abs($Decl-$param[2]));  /*In the standard
		equations abs() is not used,
		but it is required for -ve latitude  */
			$flag=0; /* problem in compuing Asr */
		$lst[4]=$K+$H+$param[0];  /*  Asr Time */
		/* Fajr Time  */
		$angl=-$param[6]; /* The value -19deg is used by OmAlqrah for Fajr,
		but it is not correct,
		Astronomical twilight and Rabita use -18deg */
		if(abs($param[2])<0.83776)    /*If latitude<48deg   */
		{     /* no problem */
			$H=$H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
			$lst[1]=$K-($H+$HightCorEast)+$param[0];    /* Fajr time  */
		{  /* Get fixed ratio, data depends on latitutde sign*/
		if(abs($cH)>(0.45+1.3369*$param[6]))   /* A linear equation I have interoduced  */
		{   /* The problem occurs for places above -+48 in the summer */
			$Night=24-($Setting-$Rise); /* Night Length  */
			$lst[1]=$Rise-$Night*$FajrFix;  /* According to the general ratio rule*/
		{  /* no problem */
			$H=$H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
			$lst[1]=$K-($H+$HightCorEast)+$param[0];    /* Fajr time  */
		{   /* The problem occurs for places above -+48 in the summer */
			$Night=24-($Setting-$Rise); /* Night Length  */
			$lst[7]=$Rise-$Night*$FajrRt; /*  Accoording to Rabita Method*/
		{  /* no problem */
			$H=H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
			$lst[7]=$K-($H+$HightCorEast)+$param[0];    /* Fajr time  */
		/*   Isha prayer time   */
		if($param[7]!=0)  /* if Ish angle  not equal zero*/
			if(abs($param[2])<0.83776)    /*If latitude<48deg   */
			{     /* no problem */
				$H=$H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
				$lst[6]=$K+($H+$HightCorWest+$param[0]);    /* Isha time, instead of  Sunset+1.5h */
				if(abs($cH)>(0.45+1.3369*$param[6]))   /* A linear equation I have interoduced  */
				{   /* The problem occurs for places above -+48 in the summer */
					$Night=24-($Setting-$Rise); /* Night Length  */
					$lst[6]=$Setting+$Night*$IshFix; /*  Accoording to Rabita Method*/
				{ /* no problem */
					$H=$H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
					$lst[6]=$K+($H+$HightCorWest+$param[0]);    /* Isha time, instead of  Sunset+1.5h */
				{   /* The problem occurs for places above -+48 in the summer */
					$Night=24-($Setting-$Rise); /* Night Length  */
					$lst[8]=$Setting+$Night*$IshRt;  /* According to the general ratio rule*/
					$H=$H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
					$lst[8]=$K+($H+$HightCorWest+$param[0]);    /* Isha time, instead of  Sunset+1.5h */
		$lst[6]=$lst[5]+$param[10];  /* Isha time OmAlqrah standard Sunset+fixed time (1.5h or 2h in Romadan) */
		/*   Eid prayer time   */
		$angl=$param[11]; /*  Eid Prayer time Angle is 4.2  */
		if((abs($param[2])<1.134 || $flagrs==0) && abs($cH)<=1.0)    /*If latitude<65deg   */
		{     /* no problem */
			$H=$H*RToH;  /* convert radians to hours  */
			$lst[9]=$K-($H+$HightCorEast)+$param[0];    /* Eid time  */
			$lst[9]=$lst[2]+0.25;  /* If no Sunrise add 15 minutes */
		return $flag;

  For international prayer times see Islamic Fiqah Council of the Muslim
  World League:  Saturday 12 Rajeb 1406H, concerning prayer times and fasting
  times for countries of high latitudes.
  This program is based on the above.
/* Name:    OmAlQrah                                                         */
/* Type:    Procedure                                                        */
/* Purpose: Compute prayer times and sunrise                                 */
/* Arguments:                                                                */
/*   yg,mg,dg : Date in Greg                                                 */
/*   param[0]: Safety time  in hours should be 0.016383h                     */
/*   longtud,latud: param[1],[2] : The place longtude and latitude in radians*/
/*   HeightdifW : param[3]: The place western herizon height difference in meters */
/*   HeightdifE : param[4]: The place eastern herizon height difference in meters */
/*   Zonh :param[5]: The place zone time dif. from GMT  West neg and East pos*/
/*          in decimal hours                                                 */
/*  fjrangl: param[6]: The angle (radian) used to compute                    */
/*            Fajer prayer time (OmAlqrah  -19 deg.)                         */
/*  ashangl: param[7]: The angle (radian) used to compute Isha  prayer time  */
/*          ashangl=0 then use  (OmAlqrah: ash=SunSet+1.5h)                  */
/*  asr  : param[8]: The Henfy (asr=2) Shafi (asr=1, Omalqrah asr=1)         */
/*  param[9]: latude (radian) that should be used for places above -+65.5    */
/*            should be 45deg as suggested by Rabita                         */
/*   param[10]: The Isha fixed time from Sunset                              */
/*  Output:                                                                  */
/*  lst[]: lst[n], 1:Fajer 2:Sunrise 3:Zohar 4:Aser  5:Magreb  6:Ishe        */
/*                 7:Fajer using exact Rabita method for places >48          */
/*                 8:Ash   using exact Rabita method for places >48          */
/*                 9: Eid Prayer Time                                        */
/*          for places above 48 lst[1] and lst[6] use a modified version of  */
/*          Rabita method that tries to eliminate the discontinuity          */
/*         all in 24 decimal hours                                           */
/*         returns flag:0 if there are problems, flag:1 no problems          */

$param = array(	0=>0.016388,/* 59seconds, safety time */
				1=>$longtud,	// 1 et 2 : The place longtude and latitude in radians
				3=>300,	// The place western herizon height difference in meters
				4=>300,	// The place eastern herizon height difference in meters
				5=>$Zonh,	// The place zone time dif. from GMT  West neg and East pos in decimal hours  
				6=>19*DToR,	// The angle (radian) used to compute,  Fajer prayer time (OmAlqrah  -19 deg.)       
				7=>0,	// The angle (radian) used to compute Isha  prayer time 
				8=>1,	// The Henfy (asr=2) Shafi (asr=1, Omalqrah asr=1) 
				9=>45*DToR,	// latude (radian) that should be used for places above -+65.5  should be 45deg as suggested by Rabita  
				10=>1.5,	// The Isha fixed time from Sunset    
				11=>4.2*DToR);	/* Eid Prayer Time   */


$yg = "2004";$mg = "4";$dg = "18";
$r = prayertime::OmAlQrah($yg,$mg,$dg,$param ,$lst );
if ($r == 1) {
	foreach($lst as $k=>$v){
		echo "$k - ".(abs($v))."<br>";
}else {
	echo "there are problems computing prayer times and sunrise with these informations :<br><pre>";
