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Re: Python coders , wikipedia needs help

On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 17:24 -0800, maysara a wrote:
> salam all,
> the arabic wikipedia (http://ar.wikipedia.org) needs a
> BOT to automaticly generate normalized article titles
> , any vulenteers? the bot can be written in python (i
> dont know if possible in other langueges).
> if anyone is interested ... the code should do the
> following
> if an article title has HAMZA over ALEF or under ALEF
> or has a SHADDA or other HARAKAT , a new REDIRECT
> article should be generated with normalizing the
> ALEF+HAMZA  into ALEF and removing the HARAKAT!

Sounds simple enough (duali's python code already has something to
perform normalization like this).

> it should be possible to human check every change
> before its applied , and the BOT should be able to

Not sure why a manual intervention is needed once automated.

> diffrentiate between REDIRECT articles and normal ones
> , additinal functions may be needed , but this should
> be enough for now.

Please explain this.

> and btw , if any one is interested , do u prefer
> discussing the issue on developper mailing list of
> arabeyes or on the Ar-wikipedia mailing list?

I am interested (but I will need until sometime in the middle of next
week before I can get on it). I prefer to keep discussions here as I am
not subscribed to the wiki list (but feel free to Cc it if you like and
we can keep Cc's in future correspondences).

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
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