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Re: edara

Please please please!
I know this might come late, but better late than never... I just could browse the epiware
Please check the combo dcl+phpgroupware which does a lot more than epiware and is quite
trivial to install and is GPL! I used them before!
Please, save your coding abilities for other stuff we are redoing what other people have
already done before.

Isam Bayazidi a *crit :

> Salam
> I had a look at the webcalender sql file here :
> http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/webcalendar/webcalendar/tables-mysql.sql
> I would suggest this design, having the line ommited preseded by '<<<' and
> line added by '>>>'
> <<<CREATE TABLE edara_admin
> <<<(
> <<<  admin_id      smallint        NOT NULL unsigned auto_increment,
> <<<  admin_name    tinytext        NOT NULL,
> <<<  admin_email   tinytext        NOT NULL,
> <<<  admin_passwd  tinytext        NOT_NULL,
> <<<  admin_priv    tinyint         NOT_NULL default '0',
> <<<  admin_options tinytext        NULL,
> <<<  admin_login   timestamp       NULL,
> <<<  PRIMARY KEY (admin_id)
> <<<);
> # task_approved    - valids (N, Y if self-entry)
> # task_create_date - in the format YYYYMMDD
> # task_due_date    - in the format YYYYMMDD
> # task_status      - valids (OPEN, ANALYZED, REJECTED, CLOSED)
> # task_email       - notes a list of email addresses to mail info to (if any)
> CREATE TABLE edara_task
> (
>   task_id               smallint        NOT NULL unsigned auto_increment,
>   task_from_id          smallint        NOT NULL unsigned,
>   task_to_id            smallint        NOT NULL unsigned,
>   task_approved         char    (1)     NOT NULL,
>   task_subject          tinytext        NOT_NULL,
>   task_create_date      int             NOT_NULL,
>   task_due_date         int,
>   task_status           tinytext        NOT_NULL,
>   task_desc             text,
>   task_email            text,
>   PRIMARY KEY (task_id)
> );
> # user_apporved    - valids (N, Y)
> # user_create_date - in the format YYYYMMDD
> # user_bday        - birthdate in the format YYYYMMDD
> # user_from        - person from orignally,   format "city, country"
> # user_at          - person living currenlty, format "city, country"
> >>> # user_type - set's the user type ( 0- normal, 1- admin, 2-owner)
> CREATE TABLE edara_user
> (
>   user_id               smallint        NOT NULL unsigned auto_increment,
>   user_approved         char    (1)     NOT NULL default 'N',
>   user_create_date      int             NOT_NULL,
>   user_name             tinytext        NOT NULL,
>   user_email            tinytext        NOT NULL,
>   user_bday             tinytext        NOT_NULL,
>   user_from             tinytext        NOT_NULL,
>   user_at               tinytext        NOT_NULL,
>   user_skill            tinytext        NOT_NULL,
>   user_desc             text            NOT_NULL,
> >>> user_type   smallint        NOT_NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
> );
> # cal_approved   - valids (N, Y if self-entry)
> # cal_create_date - in the format YYYYMMDD
> # cal_day_alph    - valid (MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN)
> # cal_private     - valid (N, Y) w/ Y others see blocked time no what's in it
> <<<# cal_duration    - is in minutes
> >>>#cal_duration           - duration in the format ( HHMM)
> # cal_repeated    - valid (NO, DAILY, WEEKLY, BI-WEEKLY, MONTHLY)
> >>> cal_end     - date of ending repeatition ( YYYYMMDD )
> >>> #cal_group  - valid ( 0- core group, 1- Translators, 2- Projects, 3- All)
> >>> #cal_task_id        - if cal is task related, hod id, not make it 0
> CREATE TABLE edara_calendar
> (
>   cal_id                smallint        NOT NULL unsigned auto_increment,
>   cal_user_id           smallint        NOT NULL unsigned,
>   cal_approved          char    (1)     NOT NULL,
>   cal_create_date       int             NOT_NULL,
>   cal_year              int     (4)     NOT_NULL unsigned,
>   cal_month             int     (2)     NOT_NULL unsigned,
>   cal_day_num           int     (2)     NOT_NULL unsigned,
>   cal_day_alph          char    (3),
>   cal_subject           tinytext,       NOT_NULL,
>   cal_desc              text,
>   cal_private           char    (1)     NOT_NULL default 'N',
> <<<  cal_duration          smallint,
> >>>  cal_duration               int,
>   cal_repeated          tinytext        NOT_NULL default 'NO',
> >>> cal_end     int,
> >>>  cal_group  smallint              NOT_NULL default 3,
> >>> cal_task_id smallint                default 0,
>   PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
> );
> --
> Yours,
> Isam Bayazidi
> Amman - Jordan
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