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Re: Updating projects' status & icon & a question...

--- Nadim Shaikli <shaikli at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> our webpages are all
> homegrown and require quite a bit of time to upkeep,
> etc.  If there was something that was 90% of what we
> needed out there, then I'd also suggest we jump on
> it to free the few people looking into the code
> -- but in the webpage's case, there are no
> replacement options.

Well, maybe having the needed packages would have
saved some time, but it happens, nothing is perfect.
This way also, I can get to be involved in the upkeep
process of our webpages - i.e. Arabeyes.org home.
> Alas, good work (it does really look nice :-)

Thanks for the complement =) Though, I always read the
word 'alas' and just ignore it, now I tried to look it
up in our Qamoose and found it means
'&#1604;&#1604;&#1571;&#1587;&#1601;' and in one look
it's 'by bad luck'! So, maybe you can explain it's
usage for me later on, on an X-Chat session.. hehe :)


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